Monthly Bardic Gatherings Have Returned! New Time! New Place!

30 Aug

All are invited to join the bards of Nordskogen on First Thursdays in a new venue: the living room section of Room 106 at GPS. This is the area with couches next to our regular Wednesday meeting site. Directions to the meeting site are available below. The gathering will last from 7-9 pm. The next date is Nov. 7. Come and relax with good songs and good friends!

Our weekly Wednesday meetings and Thursday gatherings are held in The Geek Partnership Society’s Event Horizon In the Waterbury Building, the big red building at Jackson St. NE & Broadway St. NE, (1121 Jackson St. NE, Minneapolis, MN, 55413.)
Link to a map:

Please enter the building on the TRAIN TRACK (EASTERN) SIDE and use Door 1121C which is the door closest to the rooms we are in.

To get to the big parking lot near our entrance door on the train track side:
From Broadway St. NE, go north on Jackson St. NE, drive past the little parking lot on the right (we don’t park there), go to the end of the building, take the first right onto the street there which is Twelfth Ave. NE., and take the next right into the parking lot. If you go over the railroad tracks, you’ve gone too far!